
New Zealand Family Entertainment Center | Ultimate Playground

Date: 2024.08.28 Views: 134

New Zealand Family Entertainment Center Design


Country: New Zealand Type: FEC Size: 1,250 square meters
Age Range: 3-60 years old Date Opened: May 2022 Budget: $300,000



It is a family entertainment center in the New Zealand, where people gather to practice and develop strength, balance, courage, perseverance and invisibility. All ages can find 30 calorie-burning, confidence-boosting, courage-building, exhilarating activities and challenges in the 1,250 square meters space.



When we first time contact, the customer was looking for indoor playground. But that project on hold. After checking our indoor park catalogue, they were much interested in building a trampoline park. Finally, they found and secured a suitable building for 5 years. Because it is the first trampoline park in such big size at local and develops partnership with all kinds associations and organisations, the family entertainment center no doubt attract many visitors from community, schools, sports clubs, businesses, etc. The venue is always full.



● All ages 30 calorie-burning, confidence-boosting, courage-building, exhilarating activities and challenges.

● Delivers a variety of programmes that will grow over time, such as summer camp.

● Have car and bicycle parks at the front and beside the building.


EPP Building Castle Ball Pool with Interactive Challenge
EPP Building Castle Ball Pool with Interactive Challenge
Soft Play and Rainbow Net Indoor Maze
Soft Play and Rainbow Net Indoor Maze
Kids Ninja Course Ropes Course and Climbing Equipment
Kids Ninja Course Ropes Course and Climbing Equipment
Donut Slide Trampoline Park
Donut Slide Trampoline Park


Entrance Locker Area
Entrance Locker Area
Seating Area Party Room
Seating Area Party Room


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