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Regional Safety Regulations (gates) For Trampoline Park

Date:2023-07-26 02:03:48 Visit:719

Preparation for admission:

1. Guide customers to take off their shoes and change socks in the shoe changing area!

2. Guide customers to wash their hands with water-free hand sanitizer!

3. Guide customers to warm up in front of the TV!

Admission check:

1. Check the number of admission tickets, count the exact number of admissions, and stamp the children

2. Check whether customers are wearing non-slip socks, adults and children must wear them

3. Pregnant women are not allowed to enter!

4. Check whether the child has skin diseases, if found, kindly inform the reason why they cannot enter the venue

5. Check children's body temperature, the normal range of 35℃~38℃, ask about physical condition if it exceeds the range

6. Remind customers not to eat or drink in the hall

7. Open the gate, enter, "Welcome to Pocket House"

Departure process

1. Ask "Whether to enter the arena again", if you enter the arena again, stamp your mark  stamp

2.Open the gates, leave the venue, reminding "Bring your belongings, and don’t forget your water glasses."


1. It is forbidden for children to enter the gate or exit the stadium to prevent children from getting lost. They must be accompanied by an adult to let them go

2. Use items to cover the sensors of the gates for children entering the venue, make sure that no one is there before letting go, and be careful not to pinch the gates of the children!

3. Sort shoes in the shoe changing area and put old socks in the recycling bin

4. Check the pocket for foreign objects and sharp objects

5. Remind children to store valuable things such as watches and mobile phones at the front desk!



Regional safety regulations (slam dunk zone)

1. It is strictly forbidden to run and chase on the trampoline or in the aisle

2. It is strictly forbidden to hang the basket upside down

3. It is strictly forbidden for two or more people to use a trampoline

4. Toys in the outer area are reminded not to bring them into the area to play

5. Remind to warm up before playing on the trampoline to prevent accidental injury

6. It is strictly forbidden to hold the face with hands to prevent injury

7. It is not allowed to play in the area

8. Clean up and keep the area clean and tidy at all times



Regional Safety Code (Climbing Sponge Area)

1. Pay attention to entering the sponge pool to make sure there is no one below

2. It is strictly forbidden to climb to the highest point and grab the crossbar

3. Before dropping into the sponge pool, make sure that there is no one underneath, let go of your arms and fall backwards vertically

4. It is strictly forbidden for more than three people or more to climb at the same time

5. It is strictly forbidden for multiple people to fall at the same time

6. It is strictly forbidden to dig holes in the sponge pool to prevent getting stuck in and out

7. It is strictly forbidden to bring toys from other areas into this area

8. It is strictly forbidden to bury deep in the sponge pool

9. Remind customers who enter the pool to store their belongings with them

10. Clean up and keep the area clean and tidy at all times



Regional safety regulations (professional trampoline)

1. Only one child is allowed to play on a trampoline!

2. It is strictly forbidden to hold the bungee face to prevent injury!

3. Toys in the outer area are not allowed to be brought into the area to play!

4. If the player is new or unskilled, remind not to jump too high

5. When you finish playing, you should stop slowly and walk out of the trampoline area slowly!

6. Guide children to line up to play an interactive trampoline game!

7. It is forbidden for adults to bring children to play together!

8. Clean up and keep the area clean and tidy at all times



Regional Safety Code (Devil's Slide)

1. It is forbidden to slip, climb and slip!

2. It is forbidden to climb the slide from below the slide to the top!

3. Pushing is prohibited!

4. The red slide prohibits two or more people from sliding down at the same time!

5. Adults are forbidden to slide down while holding children!

6. Make sure to slide down when there is no one under the slide!

7. Remind the player to use the slide bag when playing the slide!

8. Clean up and keep the area clean and tidy at all times


Regional safety regulations (experience area and princess area on the second floor)

1. Remind that toys and fruits cannot be taken out of the area, and it is strictly forbidden to throw toys down the spiral slide

2. Organize the toys and put them in place, clean the ground without dust!

3. There are no toys or other objects in other areas, if necessary, return to the place in time

4. Princess room toy skirt finishing

5. Remind customers that it is forbidden to eat or drink in the hall, and if found, kindly inform the reason

6. Remind customers to wear non-slip socks, adults and children must wear non-slip socks

7. Clean up and keep the area clean and tidy at all times



Regional safety regulations (patrol field)

1. Always ensure hygiene in the venue; such as ocean balls, cypress wood, toys return to their place, and toys on the second floor are organized and return to their place!

2. Remind customers to wear non-slip socks, both adults and children must wear non-slip socks

3. Conduct on-site inspections at any time, and report abnormalities in time!

4. Clean up and return to the shoe changing area in the toilet in time

5. Trampoline dust, ground hair lint, dead corners are cleaned with drums for hygiene

5. Remind customers that it is forbidden to eat or drink in the hall, and if found, kindly inform the reason

6. Be caring and keep smiling when treating children

7. Be responsible and obey the company's arrangements




Part-time job responsibilities

1. Don't do things that have nothing to do with work, play with the mobile phone once -10 yuan!

2. It is forbidden for two or more people to get together and chat once -10 yuan!

3. It is forbidden to leave the arranged position without authorization -20 yuan once! If there is a problem or an emergency, you should inform the management and agree in time before leaving

4. You must wear clean and tidy overalls during working hours, and you are not allowed to arrive late or leave early, and check in for commuting.

5Keep in mind the safety regulations of your own area, and be able to explain and communicate with customers friendly

6. During work, do not sit, lie, or lie on the soft bag, stand upright and maintain a good working image

7. The order of dining time should be arranged by the manager

8. It is forbidden to beat and scold children, and all offenders will be deducted from their wages!

9. Reward two outstanding employees every month, the amount of reward is 50-100 yuan

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