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Safety Rules for Trampoline Park

Date:2023-07-28 02:43:44 Visit:615

1. Warning: Anyone who does not abide by the following rules and the rules posted in the park may cause serious bodily injury, paralysis or death.

2. Do not "intentionally bounce" other people, that is, don't try to bounce another user on the trampoline by calculating the time that you have landed on the trampoline. This situation may also happen when you are close to other people on the trampoline, so everyone should avoid jumping at the same time when there are other people nearby. It is particularly dangerous for taller users to "intentionally rebound" smaller users.

4. Please wear appropriate clothing. Clothing must not be hung with zippers, belts, or ropes. Please remove all jewelry, empty your pockets, and remember not to carry or chew gum or candy.

5. Do not try dangerous fancy moves. Fancy moves such as tossing are very dangerous. Users must have sufficient skills before they can make relevant actions to avoid harm to themselves or others, and all risks are at their own risk.

6. Stay alert. Be careful of other users around you, and consider them. Please dance with users of similar body shape.

Not climbable. Do not climb walls or nets, and do not touch backboard equipment.

7. Do not use the trampoline after taking drugs or drinking alcohol.

8. Do not obstruct, push or participate in any other actions that may unnecessarily interfere with another user's jump or affect his or her attention. Do not run on the trampoline or engage in relay races.

9. Hit the frame. When jumping, the user should stay in the center of the trampoline. Loss of balance and hitting the frame may cause physical injury. Do not jump directly on the safety mat.

10. Incorrect movement from the trampoline to the floor or platform area. Improper movement can cause ankle sprains or other injuries. Please walk from the trampoline to the floor area.

11. Foreign matter. Jumping when there is a foreign body on your body may also increase the chance of physical injury. Foreign objects include keys, mobile phones and cameras.

Insufficient technical level. Attempting to make difficult movements that exceed one's own skills and abilities may cause serious physical injury, paralysis or death.

12. The above list is not comprehensive, and we cannot list all activities that may cause personal injury. Please check with your doctor about all health conditions before jumping, including (but not limited to) asthma, diabetes, pregnancy, etc.

13. Staff: The staff of the park will patrol the entire park on duty to ensure that everyone abides by the safety rules of the hospital. The staff will assist everyone to jump in a safe way and provide assistance when needed.

14. Personal belongings: The park will not be responsible for any personal property brought into or stored in the park if it is lost or damaged by stolen goods.

15. Spring: This park has covered all the springs in the trampoline with soft cushions to prevent users from landing on the spring and steel frame, passing through the spring and steel frame, or falling between the spring and steel frame.

16. Equipment: The venue staff will regularly repair and maintain the equipment, and will check in accordance with the maintenance rules to find out any worn parts and replace them.

17. Soft pack and metal frame: The park has taken active measures to ensure that all metal frames within the jumping range are wrapped in soft packs to prevent users from being injured.

18. Purse: This garden will set up a purse to ensure that users can move within the trampoline. Do not hit the fence intentionally to cause unnecessary injury.

19. Anti-slip socks: Anti-slip socks are available in this park. These socks can give users a little more elasticity on the trampoline.

20. The safety signs have been posted at the entrance of the park. In case everyone accidentally forgets these rules while playing in the park, the staff of the park will be happy to remind you during use.


Instructions for entering the trampoline park

1. All people must read and understand this notice before entering the venue, and sign the "Liability Waiver"

2. All participants under the age of 18 must have their parents or legal guardians sign the "Liability Waiver"

3. Participants must use all equipment in a safe and responsible manner.

4. People who do not meet the minimum age limit or qualified jumping level requirements are not allowed to use this equipment

5. Children under the age of 7 must be supervised by others

6. Never "intentionally rebound" other people

7.On the trampoline can only wear non-slip socks or barefoot activities

8. After entering the venue, take off large or loose jewelry, rivet jewelry, and if possible, it is best to take off glasses and hearing aids.

9. Do not run on the trampoline or conduct relay races.

10. Do not sit, fall or lie down on the trampoline

11.Don't climb the trampoline wall

12. Always pay attention to the surroundings to prevent collisions with other users

13. Do not bring chewing gum, food or drinks on the trampoline.

Functional area safety guidelines

1. Safety guidelines for the free Jump area


1. Only one person can stand on a trampoline at the same time

2. Pay attention to other people who are jumping at all times, and at the same time, pay attention to avoiding young players

3. Don't try to do actions beyond your ability

4. Don't stand or jump on the trampoline

5. When jumping, use your feet or hips to get down on the trampoline

6. It is strictly forbidden to double-bounce, twist, joke, run or push and pull in the trampoline

7. Do not intentionally bounce, run, push or pull, wrestle, or any form of mischief on the trampoline

2. Safety guidelines for the slam dunk area

1. You can't hang on the basket all the time

2. Don't jump back and forth between adjacent trampoline mattresses

3. Only one person can stand on a trampoline at the same time

4. Don't try to do slam dunks beyond your ability

Three, the safety rules of the jumping platform area

1. It is strictly forbidden to wrestle, play pranks, run or push and pull

2. This function allows one person to take off, but two people cannot take off at the same time

3. This function cannot be used if the weight exceeds 80 kg

3, the security guidelines of the software wall

1. This software wall is only for advanced players who are already familiar with trampolines.

2. Don't try to overturn the wall beyond your ability

3. Don't climb this wall. If you still can't run or jump on this wall, please practice the necessary skills in other areas first

4. Only one person can stand on a wall area at the same time

5. When you are already standing on the wall, stand on the highest part of the wall and save the rest for other players to use

6. When jumping off the wall, make sure that there is no other person on the trampoline below


4.Safety Guidelines for Professional Trampoline Areas

1. Be extra careful in the professional trampoline area because it allows the player to bounce very high, and it will also increase the difficulty and risk.

2. Don't try to do bouncing moves beyond your ability

3. Only one person can stand on a professional trampoline at the same time

4. Don't jump or land on the trampoline

5. When jumping in an inflatable bounce or sponge pool, you should land on your feet


5. Safety Guidelines for Sponge Ball Pool or foam pit

1. Each row can only have one game participant

2. Please wait patiently for the game

3. Don't sit or lie on the mat

4. Only use your feet or buttocks to land on the ground

5. It is strictly forbidden to make "turning and tossing in the air"

6. Do not land on the head or abdomen

7. Always expose the sponge ball pool surface

8. Do not bury yourself or others in the sponge ball pool

9. Do not throw or pick the sponge

10. Please keep the sponge block in the ball pool


6. Safety guidelines for inflatable bounce areas

1. Jump on the inflatable bounce when you bounce

2. Keep your feet on the ground first when jumping

3. Can't jump into the inflatable bounce with the head

4. Only one person can stand on a trampoline at the same time

5. When jumping, you must wait for the previous player to leave before jumping in

6. Exit the inflatable bounce area as quickly as possible when leaving

7. Don't try to do bouncing movements beyond your ability

7, dodge ball zone game rules

1. Before the start of the game, confirm that each team has enough people and balls

2. The maximum number of people in each team should be controlled at 6-8

3. The side that knocked out all opponents wins

4. Use the referee's final password as the end of the game

5. The sign that the game is out of the game

5.1. You were hit by a ball thrown by the opponent

5.2. The ball you threw was caught by an opponent

5.3. "Live ball" refers to a ball that has not touched the ground, wall, or has not hit other players

5.4. You throw a ball, and the ball hits the opponent's head (throwing the ball will be out of the game)

5.5. You entered the opponent's field during the game

5.6. You hold the ball for more than 10 seconds

5.6. Arguing between you and the referee


8, dodge ball safety guidelines

1. You can only throw the ball

2. You can catch the ball with any part of your body

3. You can use the ball in your hand to open the ball that is throwing at you

4. Cannot hit the opponent's head

5. When you want to leave, walk on the trampoline and wrap your head with your hands

6. After you leave, you must enter the arena after the next match begins


9. Climbing area, expand regional safety guidelines

1. It must be played in the presence of the administrator

2. It is forbidden to jump on the climbing wall

3. It is forbidden to jump directly after climbing

4. It is forbidden to follow other children to climb in the same position

5. It is forbidden to climb and jump and other difficult actions that are not suitable for children

6. Please dont squeeze and follow the order

7. Please do not bring any sharp objects made of hard materials such as metals to climb, so as not to stab yourself or others

8. The staff must check the safety protection equipment at the beginning of each day

9. It is forbidden to drag other children when playing

10. When entering the venue, you must wear safety clothing, wear a safety helmet, and tighten the safety rope

11. When entering the venue to play, pay attention to safety at their feet when going down the steps


10. Safety guidelines for the big slide area

1. You must wear protective clothing and protective pads to start playing;

2. Children are forbidden to play alone, users under 10 must be carried up and down by an adult;

3. It is forbidden to start playing without the presence of management personnel. When playing, the management personnel will demonstrate once for play training; the management personnel must check the safety protection measures before playing

4. It is forbidden to jump from the top platform of the devil slide

5. It is forbidden to slide upside down

11. High-altitude swing area

1. It is forbidden to start playing without administrator, and the management personnel will demonstrate once during the game, and conduct play training;

2. After the swing is out, let go and adjust the posture without swinging back and forth. If you need to adjust, please grab the swing rod and slowly swing it into the sponge pool with your back feet to support the back wall and swing out.

3. When entering the sponge pool, the feet should be at 20 degrees from the ground to enter the sponge pool. Do not insert into the sponge pool upright or greater than 20 degrees. Keep the body upright and not lean back or forward to avoid head hitting the back wall or directly into the sponge pool to avoid injury

4. If it is found that the sponge block in the pool is not evenly covered, adjust the depth of the sponge block in time.

5. Do not climb the truss;

6. Only one person is allowed to play at the same time. Grab the bar firmly and swing again. After going down, quickly climb out of the pool;

7. When playing with the grab bar, avoid arm strain and drop into the sponge pool or try to avoid collision with the ball pool wall when inflated and bounced;

8. Do not disassemble the carabiner, screws, etc. in the project;

9. The forbearance swing project is dangerous. Please do not use projects that you cannot bear or pass. For example, parents holding their children while playing together can easily cause the children to fall and other injuries.


 12. Ninja course Area

1. It is forbidden to start playing without the presence of management personnel. During the game, the management personnel will demonstrate once and conduct play training; the management personnel must check the safety protection measures.

2. Do not climb the truss.

3. Only one person is allowed to play at the same time.

4. Avoid arm strain when playing with grasping function items. Try to avoid collision with the sponge pool when falling into the sponge pool.

5. Do not disassemble the carabiner, screws, etc. in the project.

6. Enter the ninja space project after getting ready.

7. The ninja course project is dangerous. Please do not use projects that you cannot bear or pass. For example, if parents lift up the child to play on the horizontal bar, it is easy to cause the child to fall, arm strain and other injuries.



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